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Blending certain foods can harm your kidneys, liver – Nutritionist warns | 05th January, 2023

A consultant Nutritionist, Madam Pearl Selormey has encouraged people to seek a healthy food plan and avoid overloading their bodies with certain foods that can be harmful to their organs.
Responding to a question from Bernard Avle on the kind of combinations that people consume to stay healthy, Madam Selormey said even though those mixtures could provide a great source of nutrients, people need a guide from a professional nutritionist so their kidneys and liver are not harmed.
“You certainly need a guide because we have seen patients who have lost an organ because they took too much of certain things,” Pearl Selormey said on the first edition of the Effective Living Series on Citi TV/Citi FM on Monday, January 2, 2023.
She added “People are losing their kidneys, people are losing their livers because they overloaded their system with too much of certain things that they felt were good. So all in all there should be a balance, you can have a bit of everything, but then you should be guided.”
The nutritionist also admonished people to completely avoid junk foods and fizzy drinks if they intend to live a healthy life.
According to her, junk foods such as burgers and fries have no nutritional value and must not be consumed regularly.
She said one can occasionally purchase junk foods but making a regular habit will eventually lead to health issues later.
“We call them junk foods because they typically would not give you the essential nutrients that the body requires. So for such foods, we say you should go for them sparingly or once in a while. It should not be something that you fall in love with and eat all the time. Your focus should rather be on the food that will make you more productive.”
She also encouraged people to develop a healthy relationship with food, try new food recipes and also have budget-friendly food options.

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