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NHIS Accredited
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Brong Ahafo
G. Accra
Upper East
Upper West
Brong Ahafo Region
Districts in this Region
asunafo north
asunafo south
dormaa ahenkro
jaman north
jaman south
kintampo north
kintampo south
nkoranza north
nkoranza south
sunyani municipal
tano north
tano south
techiman municipal
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Listing by Services type (General)
abease health centre
abesim health center
aboabo presby clinic
abrikasu health centre
abuakrom chps compound
abuom rural clinic
acherensua health centre
adadiem health centre
adamsu health centre
adiokor rural community
adrobaa health centre
ahmadiyya muslim hospital
ahmadiyya muslim hospital
ahmadiyya muslim mission hospital
ahyiayem health centre
akokoa health centre
akokoa health centre
akontanim rural clinic
akrodie health centre
akrofro chps zone
akuma health centre
amanfosu chps compund
amanten health centre
amasu rural clinic
amoah memorial hospital
amoma health centre
amomaso chps zone
annor -asare memorial hospital
antwikrom health centre
anyima health centre
anyinasu chps zone
apenemadi chps compound
apenkro rural clinic
apesika health center
apesika health centre
arms clinic/ maternity home
asantaso chps zone
asare health centre
asempanaye chps
asikasu rural clinic
asiri chps compound
asuorkor rural clinic
atebubu district hospital
atuna chps
ayamba initiative ltd
ayereda health centre
ayomso rural clinic
ayorya chps
baamo health centre
badu health centre
banda ahenkro health centre
bantama chps compound
baservk scan centre
bassa health centre
bechem government hospital
beno manso chps compound
berekum zongo chps zone
best clinic diagnostics ltd
biaso chps zone
bishop mattew's community clinic
bitre chps compound
bodaa rural clinic
bonakire chps center
bongase rural clinic
bonita health centre
bonsu health centre
botokrom chps zone
bre nye kwa clinic
brofukrom health centre
brohani chps
brosankro health centre
buni chps compound
buoyem community health centre
busuama rural clinic
busunya health centre
care specialist medical laboratory ltd
chiraa health centre
cocoa clinic/1000 acres
dadiesoaba health centre
danyame health centre
dawadawa health centre
debibi health centre
derma health center
donkro-nkwanta health centre
dorbor chps compound
dormaa akwamu health centre
dormaa presby hospital
droboso rural clinic
dromankese health centre
duadaso health center
dumso chps compound
dwenase chps compound
dwenem rural clinic
ebenezer methodist clinic
emil memorial hospital
fawuhuyeden rural clinic
fiapre health center
fiaso chps zone
fountain care clinic
fountain care clinic ltd
gambia rural clinic
garadima chps centre
goamu koforidua chps compound
goka health centre
gonasua health centre
greenhill medical centre
gulumpe chps compound
gyasikrom rural clinic
gyedu health centre
hani chps compound
holy daniels clinic
holy family hospital
holy family hospital
hospitalview clinic centre
jenjemireja health centre
jinjini health centre
kadelso chps compound
kajaji health centre
kasapin pentecost clinic
kenam clinic
kenyase health center
kintampo municipal hospital
kintampo rch
kintampo south district hopital
kofi bour shed chps compound
kojokrom health centre
kokooso rural clinic
kokosua chps compound
koranteng memorial clinic & mat. home
koraso chps
krabonso chps compound
kranka health centre
kukuom health centre
kumfia health center
kunsu health center
kunsu rural clinic
kwabenadwomokrom health centre
kwadwokumikrom presby health centrer
kwamesua presby health centre
kwarpong rural clinic
kwatre health centre
kyeamekrom chps
kyeremasu health centre
lassi chps compound
market clinic
mathias catholic hospital
mawaninso chps compound
mayera chps compound
mediscan diagnostic clinic
mediscan scan centre
mem chps centre
mesidan chps zone
methodist health center-yawsae
methodist hospital
mount olive clinic
municipal hospital goaso
nakete chps compound
namasa chps compound
namasua chps compound
nchiraa rural clinic
new covenant chemicals
new covenant healthcare ltd
new covenant healthcare ltd.
new longoro health centre
nkaseim chps zone
nkoranza health centre
nkrankwanta health centre
nkwabeng health centre
nkwaeso chps
nkyenkyenman chps zone
nsawkaw health centre
nsoatre health centre
nsunensa chps compound
nsuta health centre
nyankontre chps compound
nyomoase chps compound
offuman health centre
oforikrom health centre
ohenewaa memorial clinic
opoku agyeman hospital
opoku cliinic limited
owusu memorial hospital
paninamisa chps
penkwase clinic
perambo rural clinic
pienyina chps compound
prang health centre
rch / dhd berekum
rch zongo
sabiye health centre
sampa government hospital
sankore health centre
saviour clinic
sda hospital
seamap medical diagnostic centre
seikwa health centre
seketia health centre
sene district hospital
sienchem rural clinic
st elizabeth catholic hospital
st john of god hospital
st mary's catholic hospital
st theresa's hospital
subinso health centre
subriso chps compound
suma presby health centre
sunkwa clinic
suntah clinic
sunyani municipal hospital
sunyani regional hospital
tain district hospital
tanoanafo chps compound
tanoso health centre
tanoso health centre
tato battor chps compound
techiman health centre
techimantia health center
tekese chps compound
tewubabi/abisase rural clinic
tuobodom health centre
twumkrom chpszone
valley view adventist hospital
wam adjembra chps compound
wamanafo community clinic
wamfie health centre
wenchi health center
woodland medical centre
yaakro presbyterian health centre
yamfo health centre
yefiri health centre
yizura hospital
zabrama rural clinic
zezera health centre
Alphabetical list
Facility Type
Specialist fields
Health insurance
NHIS accredited
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