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Vodafone unveils Healthline | 14th December, 2022

Vodafone Ghana has introduced a new edition of its flagship Vodafone Healthline Show dubbed “The Spin-Off.”
The show is a documentary-style recap of the top 10 episodes from the Healthline series last three instalments, namely seasons 8–10. The most important aspect of the new season is that the Vodafone Healthline team will visit the people who have benefited from Vodafone Ghanas medical interventions.
In the first episode of the new season, the parents of Diana, a young girl from the Volta Region, talked about how Vodafone Ghana helped their daughter get through surgery for a brain tumour.
Dianas family only learned of her condition after a friend hit her head with a stone. The subsequent swelling after the incident and the difficulty in diagnosing the real problem at its initial stage made her family believe that her condition had a supernatural cause. Because of her condition, Diana could not even play with her friends.
The Healthline teams visit to the family months later revealed that Diana is hale and hearty and can now play with her friends.
In the first episode of the “Spin-Off” season, panellists talked about the early signs of childhood cancer and the idea that masturbation causes strokes.
Dr Nihad Salifu, a paediatric oncologist, spoke about childhood cancers, their early warning signs, and the treatment process. In her submission, she said that doctors do not know all the causes of childhood cancers, but there are other things like genetic predisposition or viruses that can cause them.
She said that if a childs eyes look different than usual or if there is swelling around the neck, legs, arms, or abdomen, it is important to see a doctor for a full check-up.
Dr Salifu noted that childhood cancers differ from cancers in adults because, if they are detected early, children can get effective treatment for childhood cancers that may give them a better chance of surviving.
Aba Folson and Kwekuma Yalley, two doctors, talked about the interesting link between masturbation and stroke and concluded that masturbation does not cause strokes.
The doctors noted that, medically, the merits of masturbation outweighed its demerits. “However, when people engage in masturbation for so long, it becomes difficult to engage intimately with your partner, and it is unfair to you and your partner,” Dr Aba Folson clarified.
The doctors said that people who cannot control their urge to masturbate to the point where it affects their lives and relationships with others should get help.
In the next ten episodes of the new season, there will be a lot of free medical advice, exciting interactions, expert discussions, debunking of common myths, and heart-warming stories of patients whose lives have been made better by Vodafones help.
Vodafone Healthline has been on the air for more than a decade, and it is still seen as the most influential, educational, and important health and wellness platform in the country.
Through the Vodafone Healthline show, Vodafone Ghana has provided free medical education and interventions to the Ghanaian public. The show keeps giving out useful information through interesting content on selected media outlets and social media.
The Vodafone Healthline Spin-Off edition airs on UTV on Mondays from 9:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. and on DGN on Tuesdays from 6:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

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