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Teachers from 48 schools undergo CHAG’s HIV, TB training | 03rd February, 2023

Teachers from forty-eight selected Senior High Schools nationwide are undergoing training in HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and gender-based violence.
The training by the Christian Health Association of Ghana (CHAG) seeks to enhance knowledge of HIV, TB, and Gender-based Violence in second-cycle institutions.
The 5-day intensive residential training, involved entertainment and health teachers, head teachers and regional SHEP coordinators.
Speaking at a meeting at Ejisu in the Ashanti region of Ghana, senior programme manager, Benjamin Cheabu, said the Trainer of Trainers (ToT) meeting will be undertaken in three zones in Ghana.
“These will take place in the Northern zone (In Sunyani), the middle zone (In Kumasi) and the southern zone (In Accra).
He emphasized his outfit is not “developing any parallel system but a collaborative intervention” to ensure sustainability of the programme.
“We are confident the programme will help increase knowledge of HIV/AIDS, TB and Gender-Based Violence in schools,” he is optimistic.
One of the participants, Akwata Yaminu Stanislav was happy the training has helped in demystifying his thoughts on HIV/AIDS.
“At first, I could differentiate between HIV and AIDS but now I know the difference. Again, I have learnt how to take care of students living with the diseases,” he said.
The programme is supported by the Ghana Education Service, Ghana Health Service, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
Others include the STOP TB Partnership, Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection, Challenging Heights, TB Voice Network, Hope for Future Generation (HFFG) and World Vision International.

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