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Malaria fight stalls as Africa
Ho Teaching Hospital set sight
HIV infections on ascendancy i
This incident has awakened us,
Green tea may lower prostate c
Mahama Cares will not replace
Ga Mantse, IPMC, Medicor, Hung
2025 World Health Day: Governm
What are the benefits of Bitte
Keta Municipal Hospital gets n
Penyi Health Centre receives t
UPNMG urges Mahama to address
Non-adherence to family planni
Addiction is recognised as a c
Government Cracks Down on Ille
Pharmaceuticals Society of Gha
Agenda 111: Mahama estimates $
"We advised, not threatened go
Health Minister briefs Parliam
GRNMA Threatens Nationwide Str
GHS honours 15 staff, nine fac
Noguchi Memorial Institute for
Diabetes on the rise in Dormaa
First Deputy Speaker demands u
Korle-Bu Hospital "suspends" n
Meningitis surged by 133% in A
Midway Hospital emerges as Cus
Asantehene visits KATH to asse
Heal KATH project: Asantehene
Nurse dies as Uganda confirms
Cholera threat looms over Cape
Government urged to address gr
GCB Bank PLC partners with Uni
New suspected Marburg outbreak
Oral sex identified as leading
KATH Child Health Directorate
We shall continue uncompleted
Newmont champions mental healt
Leprosy Aid Committee pays tri
The Triage Centre and UK’s A
Cholera outbreak in Western re
Remove import taxes on antiret
GHS to validate coverage of me
Elimination of viral hepatitis
Rotary Club donates medical eq
CBG commissions laboratory fac
KATH to establish a modern Pha
Over 300 Kayayei in Kumasi get
GHS will provide adequate reso
UDS team tours Adansi North Di
Universal Hospitals Group dona
GNAD urges healthcare provider
Ziavi traditional authorities
Avoid mosquito bites to preven
Dengue Fever: Two more cases r
GHS confirms outbreak of Dengu
COVID-19 vaccination campaign
Effiduase Hospital takes deliv
HIV: More babies getting infec
Over GH¢500K released to heal
Breast cancer cases increasing
New mpox strain in DR Congo
Sewua and Afari Hospitals to b
KATH: Oncology staff intensify
CEO of PM Group of Companies b
Surgeries suspended at Manhyia
MELPWU strike forces patients
Lifestyle considered the best
Proposal for mandatory health
Management of KATH pushes for
60 Nursing and Midwifery tutor
Redeeming Hands Foundation pro
Teenage pregnancy on the surge
Sewua and Afari hospitals to b
Korle Bu renal patients skepti
PSGH launches SEAPS project to
Mental Health Authority advoca
KGL Foundations health screeni
Medical Lab Scientists critici
Ghanas patient charter needs e
Ditch high-calorie energy drin
North East: FDA destroys over
KATH Labour Unions kick agains
It is unacceptable for girls t
NHIS has improved under curren
FDA reassures public of AstraZ
Nursing trainee allowances: We
Twellium Ghana donates medical
Renal Patients call for help a
TTH dialysis unit in crisis: P
Jaundice in newborn babies on
Okoe-Boye inspects completed f
Eastern regional hospital gear
Ghana records 31 new COVID-19
May Day: Ghanaian nurses, midw
Over 40 health facilities comp
Dumsor: We have not cancelled
GHS to embark on COVID-19 vacc
Child mortality reduces nation
2,456 pharmacies have register
Listing by type (Government)
2 medical reception station
abaam chps
abakoase chps
abakrampa health centre
abamkrom community clinic
abeadze dominase health center
abenase chps compound
abenaso chps
abesim health center
abeyee chps compound
abiriw chps zone
aboabo chps
aboabo chps
aboabo chps compound
aboabo health center
aboabogya health centre
aboaboso chps compound
aboagyekrom chps zone
aboasa chps
aboaso health center
abodom chps
abodom health centre
aboduabo chps compound
abofuor health centre
abokobi health center
abomosu health centre
abompe chps
abore health center
aboso health center
abotareyie-essuman chps compound
abotoase health centre
abourso chps
abrabra chps zone
abrem agona health centre
abrikasu health centre
abrokyire krobo chps compound
abronehia chps compound
abuakrom chps compound
abuakwa health center
abuakwa health centre
abuakwaa chps compound
abuom rural clinic
abura dunkwa district hospital
abura gyabankrom chps zone
abura health centre
aburansa chps
abutia kloe health centre
abutia norvisi chps zone
acherensua health centre
achiase health centre
achiase health centre
achimfo health centre
achimota hospital
achubunyor chps
achubunyor chps compound
ackaakrom chps zone
ada health centre
adabokrom chps zone
adaboya chps
adabraka polyclinic
adade kofi chps compound
adadiem health centre
adaklu helekpe health center
adaklu-ahunda health center
adamsu health centre
adankrono chps
adansi comunity clinic
adasawase chps
adausena chps zone
adawso health center
adawukao chps
addo nkwanta chps
adeiso health center
adeiso health centre
adibo health centre
adidome hospital
adidwan health centre
adientem /mpatado chps compound
adimposo ii chps zone
adina health center
adiokor rural community
adisadel health centre
adjena health center
adjobue chps compound
adoagyiri health centre
adonfe hunger project
adrobaa health centre
aduamoa health center
aduasa chps zone
aduasena chps
adubiase chps center
aduhima chps
adukrom chps zone
adukrom health centre
adum banso community clinic
adum banso community clinic
adumadum rch
adutor health center
adwafo chps zone
adwumakasekese health centre
adzokoe health center
afiadenyiba health center
afosu health centre
aframso health centre
afrancho health centre
afransie health centre
agavedzi health center
agbozome health center
aged clinic
agomeda chps zone
agona amenfi clinic
agona government hospital
agona health centre
agona mensakrom chps
agona nsaba health centre
agoufie chps zone
agove health centre
agricultural research center health center
agusi chps
agya ata chps zone
agyapomaa chps
agyemadiem chps zone
agyempomaa chps zone
ahamakrombua chps
ahamansu health center
ahanta abasa chps compound
ahenema kokoben health centre
ahenkro health center
ahibenso rural clinic
ahinkwa chps
ahobre chps compound
ahomahomaso chps zone
ahukwa chps
ahwerewa chps compound
ahwiaa chps
ahyiayem health centre
ahyiresu chps compound
ajakaa manso health centre
ajakaa manso health centre
ajumako abaasa health centre
ajumako anyinasu chps
ajumako bisease health centre
ajumako kromaim chps compound
akakom chps zone
akanteng community clinic
akasti district hospital
aketenkye chps compound
akim oda government hospital
akoase rch
akoefe health centre
akokoa health centre
akokoa health centre
akokoaso rch clinic
akolposiga chps
akomadan health centre
akontanim rural clinic
akontombra health center
akontombra nkwanta health centre
akorabo chps zone
akotekrom chps zone
akoti health centre
akotokyire chps zone
akpafu - adorkor health center
akpafu odomi chps
akpafu-mempeasem health center
akpamu chps
akporkploe health centre
akrabon chps zone
akrodie health centre
akrofro chps zone
akrofu health centre
akrofufu rch
akrofuom health centre
akrokerri health centre
akropong health centre
akropong health centre
akroso health centre
akuma health centre
akurafu chps zone
akuse govt hospital
akutreso health center
akutuase chps zone
akutuasi community clinic
akwadum chps center
akwamufie health center
akwasiho community clinic
akwidaa chps compound
akyekyere chps
akyem akropong chps
akyem maase chps zone
akyerekyerekrom chps compound
akyerematin chps zone
alavanyo wudidi health centre
alukpatsa chps zone
amafie chps zone
amamorley community clinic
amanase chps zone
amanfopong chps zone
amanfosu chps compund
amanfro chps zone
amanfrom chps zone
amanfrom clinic(chps)
amanten health centre
amantenaman(nyinamponase) h/ c
amartey chps compound
amasu rural clinic
ameco clinic
amedzofe health centre
amenam chps zone
amoabin chps
amoaman chps compound
amoashed chps compound
amoaya health centre
amoaya rural clinic
amoma health centre
amomaso chps zone
amosima chps zone
ampunyase health center
amuana praso health centre
anafobisi health centre
anaji chps compound
anakum chps compound
anamase chps zone
ananekrom health centre
anglogold ashanti hospital
anhwiafutu chps compound
anhwiam chps compound
anhwiaso health center
anhwiaso health centre
anidzi chps zone
aninfulkrom chps
anitemfe chps zone
ankaful leprosy/general hospital
ankaful psychiatric hospital
ankam chps zone
ankoma chps compound
anlo beach chps compound
anloga health centre
anoma kojo chps
anomabo health center
antoa health center
antoakrom health center
antseambua chps zone
antwikrom health centre
anum apapam chps zone
anweabeng chps zone
anweafutu chps compound
anwiam chps zone
anwianwia chps compound
anwomaso community maternity/ clinic
anyako health center
anyamam health post
anyansu health centre
anyanui health centre
anyima health centre
anyinabirem health center
anyinabirim health centre
anyinabrim chps
anyinabrim chps
anyinam health centre
anyinase health center
anyinase health center
anyinasu chps zone
anyinasuso health centre
anyinofi health centre
apatrapa health centre
apau wawase chps zone
apedwa chps zone
apedwa health centre
apemanim chps
apenemadi chps compound
apenkro rural clinic
apenkwa chps zone
apesika health center
apesika health centre
apinamang chps
apoli chps zone
apowa health centre
appiah-nkwanta chps zone
apradang chps zone
apremdu chps compound
apromase government clinic
aprutu chps zone
aquai allah chps compound
arhinfulkrom chps zone
asaam health center
asabidie chps
asadame health center
asafo health centre
asafo health centre
asafotsi chps zone
asakraka community clinic(rch)
asamang chps compound
asamang tamfoe chps
asamankese government hospital
asamankese health centre
asankra chps
asankran bremang health center
asantaso chps zone
asantekrom chps
asanteman chps zone
asanyansu chps
asare health centre
asasetre community clinic
asawinso clinic
aseibu chps compound
asekesu chps zone
asemasa chps compound
asemnyinakrom chps compound
asempanaye chps
asempaneye chps zone
asene chps zone
asenema chps zone
aserewadi chps
asesansu chps compound
aseseeso chps zone
ashaiman polyclinic
ashiem chps compound
asiakwa health centre
asikasu rural clinic
asikuma chps zone
asiri chps compound
asitey health center
asiwa health centre
asma chps compound
asokore chps zone
asokwa health centre
asomdwee chps zone
assakae chps compound
assin awisem chps zone
assin bereku health centre
assin jakai health centre
assin kumasi chps compound
assin manso health centre
assin ongwa health centre
asuampa chps compound
asuansi rural clinic
asuboa chps zone
asuboa chps zone
asuboi health centre
asuboni rails rch
asubuasu health centre
asuhyia chps compound
asuhyiae chps compound
asukawkaw health centre
asunafo chps zone
asundua chps zone
asuofua health centre
asuogyaman district hospital
asuom health centre
asuorkor rural clinic
ataase health centre
atampisi chps
atebubu district hospital
ateiku health centre
ateiku health centre
atiankama chps zone
atiavi health center
atikpui chps zone
atimpoku chps zone
atobiase chps compound
atobiase chps compound
atobiase community clinic
atobiase community clinic
atobrakrom chps compound
atonkwa chps zone
atonsu health centre
atorkor chps
atronsu chps compound
atua government hospital
atuna chps
atuobikrom chps compound
atwereboana chps compound
atwereboana chps compound
atwima mponua district hospital
ave-dzalele chps
avedo chps
avedotoe chps
avee chps zone
avenorpedo health center
avenorpeme health center
avenui chps zone
avevi chps
awenare health centre
aweregya rch
awisa chps zone
awosoase chps zone
awutu ahentia chps compound
awutu health centre
axim government hospital
ayeduase clinic
ayeldu chps zone
ayereda health centre
ayikuma chps
ayirebi health center
ayomso rural clinic
ayorya chps
azua chps zone
azuwera chps
baamo health centre
babile health centre
bachonsa chps
badu health centre
bagabaga chps zone
baglo chps zone
baika health center
balungu chps
bamahu health centre
bamboi health center
bamiankor health centre
banda ahenkro health centre
banda nkwanta chps zone
bando han medical centre
banka health centre
banko health centre
bantama chps compound
baobab medical centre
barekese health centre
baseble health centre
bassa health centre
bassengele chps compound
basyonde health centre
bawdie chps
bawjiase health center
bayerebon no 5 chps zone
bazua clinic
bechem government hospital
bechiwa chps compound
bediadua health centre
bedum community clinic
begoro government hospital
begoro rch
behenase chps zone
bekwai municipal hospital
benim health center
beno manso chps compound
benyadzi chps zone
bepoase chps zone
bepoase chps zone
bepong chps center
beposo health center
berease chps zone
berekum zongo chps zone
berekuso chps compound
bethlehem chps compound
betiako health center
biaso chps zone
bibiani district hospital
biemso no ii chps compound
billaw health center
bilpiela health centre
bimbagu chps zone
bimbilla hospital
binaba health centre
bincheratanga health centre
binde sub chps zone
binduri health centre
binkonaloori chps compound
bintenge chps
birem health centre
biro chps compound
bisaaso health center
bitre chps compound
blekusu health center
boadua chps
boako chps zone
boamang health centre
boanim health centre
bob freeman clinic
bobikuma health centre
bodaa rural clinic
bodada health centre
boekrom chps
bofoyili chps
boinso health centre
bokakore chps compound
boko chps
bole district hospital
bole health centre
bolga shs chps
bolgatanga health centre
bomaa chps
bomfa health centre
bompata health centre
bompieso chps compound
bomponso chps
bomso chps
bonakire chps center
bonakye chps zone
bondaye chps compound
bongase rural clinic
bongo district hospital
bonita health centre
bonkrom chps zone
bonsie chps
bonsie chps
bonsu health centre
bonsu-nkwanta health centre
bonsua health centre
bontibor chps zone
bontodiase chps zone
bontreso health centre
bonuama chps compound
bornikope health centre
bortianor health centre
bosieso health centre
boso health centre
bosomoiso chps compound
bosuso health centre
boti chps compound
botokrom chps zone
bowiri amanfrom chps
brakwa health centre
brekumanso community clinic
breman health centre
breman health centre
breman ayipey chps compound
brenase health center
brewaniase health centre
brimso chps zone
brofoyedru health centre
brofoyeduru chps zone
brofukrom health centre
brohani chps
brosankro health centre
brumben chps zone
buabin chps zone
budsongo/ nyangolingo chps
buduatta health centre
bugri health centre
bugubelle chps
buipe health centre
bukunor rch
bulenga health centre
bumbrunga chps compound
bunbong health centre
bungai chps compound
buni chps compound
bunkpurugu health centre
bunso health centre
buo chps
buoyem community health centre
busa health centre
bussie health centre
busuama rural clinic
busunu health center
busunu health centre
busunya health centre
butre chps compoud
camp 15 chps compound
cape coast metropolitan hospital
cape coast rch
carpenter chps zone
cashierkrom chps zone
cashierkrom chps zone
castle clinic
castle clinic
central market health centre
centralal hospital
challa health centre
chansa chps
charia health centre
charikpong health centre
charingu health centre
charisombo chps
cheereponi government hospital
chereponi health centre
chia chps zone
chiana health centre
chibrinyo chps zone
chiraa health centre
chirano health centre
choggu health centre
chorichori chps compound
chuchuliga health centre
civil service clinic
coaltar chps zone
cocoa clinic
cocoa clinic/1000 acres
coronation health centre
dabala health center
dabo chps
daboase health center
daboase health center
dabogni chps zone
dadieso health center
dadiesoaba health centre
dahile chps
dakpam chps compound
dakurpe chps compound
dalun health centre
damang chps compound
damanko health centre
damankung chps compound
dambai health centre
damongo health centre
danfa health centre
dangbe west district hospital
dangme east district hospital
danmang chps zone
dansoman polyclinic
danteng rch
danyame health centre
dasum chps compound
datano chps compound
datuko health center
dawadawa health centre
dawhenya chps zone
dawia health center
dawurampong chps zone
debibi health centre
dededo chps zone
dedeso rch
deffiama health center
demong chps zone
densuano chps zone
denugu clinic
derma health center
diabene chps compound
diare health centre
diaso health centre
dikoto junction chps
dikpe chps compound
dim chps zone
dipale chps zone
district hospital-mampong
district hospital-sandema
djankrom health centre
djorboah chps compound
doba chps
dobile chps
dodi-mempeasem health center
dodo pepesu health centre
dodo-amanfrom health center
dodome awuiase health centre
dokrochiwa chps zone
dome achiansa chps
dome achiansa chps zone
dome chps zone
dome sapaman chps
domeabra chps
domeabra maternity home
dominibo chps compound
dompim no 1 comm. clinic
dompim no 1 comm. clinic
doninga health centre
donkorkrom central chps zone
donkro-nkwanta health centre
donwine health centre
dorbor chps compound
dordoekope health center
dorfor adidome health centre
dorimon health centre
dormaa akwamu health centre
dormabin health centre
dormama chps compound
dormama chps compound
dornye chps
droboso rural clinic
dromankese health centre
du-west chps
dua health centre
duadaso health center
duakon chps zone
ducie chps
duffor health center
dumso chps compound
dunkwa municipal hospital
duong chps
duori health centre
duusi chps
duwie chps
dwease health centre
dwenase chps compound
dwenase chps zone
dwendwenase health centre
dwenem rural clinic
dwerebease chps
dzolo gbogame health centre
dzolokpuita health centre
ebuakwa community clinic
edewakrom chps compound
edumafa chps compound
edwuanokrom chps zone
effia nkwanta regional hospital
effiduase rch
effiduasi government hospital
efutu chps
eggu health centre
egyambra chps compound
ehiamankyene chps zone
ejisu government hospital
ejura district hospital
ekabehu health center
ekon chps zone
ekoso chps
ekrawfol chps zone
ekukrom chps compound
ekumpoano chps compound
ekwamase chps compound
ekwamkrom chps compound
ekye presby health centre
elmina urban health centre
elubo health center
enchi gov't hospital
endwa chps
engleshi amanfro health centre
enyan abasa health centre
enyan maim chps compound
enyan nkodwo chps
enyan obontser chps zone
enyirensi government hospital
eshiem chps compound
eshiem chps zone
esiama health center
esienkyem chps zone
essam chps zone
essam health centre
essikadu hospital
essikuma chps compound
essikuma chps compound
essuehyia health centre
essuowin health center
essuowin health centr
essuowin health centre
etsii sonkwa community clinic
ewim urban health centre
ewuku chps compound
eyisam chps compound
fassin chps compound
fatchu health centre
fawomanye chps compound
fawuhuyeden rural clinic
fenaso chps zone
feo chps
fian health centre
fiapre health center
fiaso chps zone
foase health centre
fodoa chps zone
fodome ahor health centre
fodome helu health center
fodome woe chps zone
fodzoku health centre
fomena chps compound
fomena health center
forifori health centre
fosu sub municipal health centre
fosukrom chps compound
frami health centre
frankadua chps zone
fumbisi health centre
fume health centre
fumesua govt maternity home
fumso health center
ga chps
ga east municipal hospital
ga south district hospital (cdh)
ga west municipal hospital(amasaman)
gagbiri chps compound
galo-sota health centre
galwei chps compound
gambaga health centre
gambia rural clinic
gambibgo chps
garadima chps centre
gardorkope chps
garinkuka chps
garizegu chps zone
gbalahagu chps
gbangbanpong chps zone
gbantongo chps zone
gbare chps
gbc clinic
gbedema chps
gbeo chps zone
gbi-wegbe health centre
gbingbani health centre
gbintiri health center
gbintiri health centre
gbire chps
gbledi -gbogame health centre
gbullung clinic
gefia health center
gengenkpe health centre
ghacem clinic
ghana atomic energy commission clinic
ghana nunguah chps compound
ghana rubber estate limited clinic
gia chps compound
gindabo health centre
glefe chps compound
goamu koforidua chps compound
goka health centre
golden jubilee chps centre
goli chps
gomoa abasa chps
gomoa assin chps compound
gomoa eshiem chps
gomoa fetteh chps
gomoa obuasi chps
gomoa oguaa health centre
gomoa osedze
gomoa sampa chps
gomoa tarkwa chps
gonasua health centre
googo chps
goore-nayoko health centre
gorjiase chps
gorogo chps
goviefe-agodome health center
gowrie chps
graphic communications group ltd clinic
gravel yard chps zone
gravel yard chps zone
greater accra regional hospital
grumesa chps compound
grumesa chps compound
grupe chps
guaman chps
gulbi quarters clinic
gulumpe chps compound
guo chps
guorpuo chps
gurungu health centre
gushiegu district hospital
gushiegu rch clinic
gwira banso chps zone
gwullu health centre
gyabankrom chps compound
gyadam chps
gyaha chps compound
gyakiti chps zone
gyangyanadze chps compound
gyasikrom chps zone
gyasikrom rural clinic
gyedu health centre
gyedua-asaman chps compound
gyereso health center
hain health center
half asini government hospital
hamile health centre
han health centre
hani chps compound
have health center
hemang chps zone
hiineteng chps
hlefi health centre
ho municipal hospital
ho polyclinic
hodzo chps
hofedo chps
hohoe municipal hospital
holomuni health centre
holy family phc(amanfrom)
holy trinity
homako chps
hope centre
huhunya chps
humjibre clinic
hwidiem chps compound
hwidiem chps compound
imbraim chps zone
immuna chps compound
inchaban chps
insusiding chps compound
issah health centre
jachie health centre
jama health center
jamasi h/c
jamasi no. 2 chps zone
jamra chps compound
jang health centre
janga health centre
janjori kukuo health centre
jantong chps compound
japa chps zone
jasikan government hospital
jawani chps compound
jaway wharf
jeduako chps compound
jema chps compound
jenbob chps
jeyiri chps
jimle health centre
jinjini health centre
juaben government hospital
juabeso district hospital
juansa health center
juapong health centre
juaso district hospital
jubilee health centre
jukwa health centre
jukwa krobo chps
jukwa-heman chps zone
jumapo health centre
juo chps compound
kaase health centre
kabiti chps zone
kabre chps
kade government hospital
kadelso chps compound
kadema chps
kadewaso chps compound
kadjebi health center
kafaba chps compound
kajaji health centre
kajelo chps
kakiasi chps zone
kalbeo chps
kalijiisa chps
kalphohini health centre
kalvio chps
kamahegu chps compound
kambagu chps zone
kambali health centre
kambatiak chps zone
kamgbunli chps zone
kanania chps compound
kaneshie polyclinic
kanjarga health centre
kantankrobo chps zone
kanyini chps
karaga district hospital
karaga health centre
kasoa health centre
kasseh health centre
kassena- nankana east health centre
kassena-nankana chps
kasuliyili chps zone
kataah chps
katanga health center
katani chps
katiu chps
katua chps
kayireku chps zone
kayoro chps
kecheibi chps zone
kejabil chps compound
kengen chps compound
keniago health center
keniago health centre
kensere chps compound
kenyase health center
kenyase health center
keri chps zone
keta municipal hospital
kete krachi district hospital
ketu south district hospital
keyime health centre
kibi apapam chps zone
kibi municipal hospital
kintampo municipal hospital
kintampo municipal oral health training and services
kintampo rch
kintampo south district hopital
kissi health centre
kitare health centre
kitase chps
klefe health centre
klikor health center
klo agogo health centre
kma clinic
knust hospital
kodorogo chps
koe chps zone
kofi bour shed chps compound
kofi nimo chps zone
kofi pare chps zone
kofiase health center
kofikrom chps compound
koforidua rch
kogri chps compound
kojo ashong community clinic
kojokperi health centre
kojokrom chps compound
kojokrom chps zone
kojokrom health centre
kokobeng chps
kokoligu chps compound
kokooso rural clinic
kokosua chps compound
kokrobite health centre
kokrobuta chps
kologo health centre
komenda health centre
komeso chps
kona health centre
konongo-odumasi government hospital
konta-north chps
kopella chps compound
kopilla chps
koransang chps
koranteng krachie chps zone
koraso chps
kori chps
korlebu optical service
korlebu teaching hospital
kormantse chps compound
koro chps zone
kotiko chps
kotingli chps zone
kotito no. 3 chps
kotoka mem health centre
kotokuom health center
kotokye chps compound
kotoso chps
kototuom chps zone
kourdjuorkrom chps zone
kpabia chps
kpalbe health centre
kpalime-duga health center
kpandai district hospital
kpandai district hospital
kpanvo chps zone
kparekpare rch/fp
kpaributabu health centre
kparigu health centre
kpasenkpe health centre
kpassa health centre
kpatia chps
kpatia chps compound
kpatinga health centre
kpazie chps compound
kpedze health centre
kpembu chps compound
kpendua chps zone
kperisi chps
kpetoe health centre
kpeve health center
kpikpira chps compound
kpodgadzi chps zone
kpoeta chps zone
kpoglu chps
kpone health centre
kpotame health center
krabonso chps compound
kramokrom chps zone
kranka health centre
krobo-dadiease health center
kubore health centre
kudikope chps zone
kugashiegu chps compound
kujooni chps zone
kukpaligu health centre
kukua chps zone
kukuligu chps
kukuo chps compound
kukuom health centre
kukurantumi chps zone
kulfuo health centre
kulkpong chps
kulmasa chps
kultamise chps compound
kulungungu health centre
kumasi south hospital
kumawu health centre
kumbungu health centre
kumfia health center
kumkumso chps compound
kunchogu health centre
kunfusi chps
kuni chps
kunka health centre
kunkua chps zone
kunkwak chps
kunsu dotiem chps zone
kunsu health center
kunsu rural clinic
kuntanase gov hospital
kupulima chps
kurugu chps
kusawgu health centre
kushea health centre
kusi chps
kute health center
kuuchileyiri chps
kwabenadwomokrom health centre
kwabeng health centre
kwabere district hospital, asonomaso
kwaboadi no. 2 chps center
kwae chps
kwae-jamestown chps
kwagye krom chps zone
kwahu amanfrom (chps)
kwahu fosu chps zone
kwahu jejeti rch
kwahu praso health center
kwahu south hospital
kwahu tafo chps compound
kwakyekrom chps
kwaman chps compound
kwamang health center, afigya
kwamang health centre
kwamang health centre
kwamankesse chps zone
kwame dwamena chps zone
kwamekrom health centre
kwametawiakrom chps zone
kwamoso chps zone
kwanwoma chps zone
kwanyako health centre
kwanyarko chps
kwarpong rural clinic
kwasi agyepong
kwasi komfo chps
kwasi nkrumah chps zone
kwasikrom chps zone
kwaso health centre
kwasuo bantama chps compound
kwatre health centre
kyeamekrom chps
kyekyewere health centre
kyekyewere health centre
kyempo epi center
kyenkyenkura chps
kyeremase chps
kyeremasu health centre
la general hospital
labolabo chps
lahagu chps
lambussie health centre
langbinsi health centre
lanja health centre
larbikrom chps zone
laribanga chps
larteh health centre
lassi chps compound
lawra hospital
lawra rch
leklebi -kame health centre
leklebi- duga health centre
lekma hospital
lekpongunor chps
liate wote chps zone
liati soba health centre
liful chps compound
likpe abrani chps compound
likpe agbozome chps zone
likpe bala health center
likpe-bakwa health center
lingbung chps compound
living well chps compound
logba - tota health centre
logba-vuinta health center
loggu health centre
lolobi health center
loloto health centre
lungni health centre
lungu chps
lyssaha chps
maame krobo health centre
maamobi polyclinic
madina polyclinic
madina polyclinic kekele
mafe kumase chps
mafi agoe chps
magazine chps zone
maishegu chps
makayili health centre
maluwe chps compound
mamponteng health center
mamprobi poyclinic
mandari health centre
mando community clinic
manfo health centre
mangoase chps zone
mangoase health centre
manhean health center
manhyia district hospital
mankarigu health center
mankranso district hospital
mankrong community clinic
mankuma health centre
mansiso chps
manso amenfi health centre
manso chps zone
manso community clinic
manso community clinic
manso edubia health center
manso nkran chps zone
manso nkwanta maternity home
manukrom chps compound
manyayiri chps
manyoro chps
marfo chps zone
marigu-nankana chps compound
market clinic
market health centre
martyrs of uganda health centre
maternal & child health hospital
matse health centre
mawaninso chps compound
mayera chps compound
medical village rch
mem chemfre health centre
mem chps centre
mempeasem health center
mensakrom comm clinic
mensomso chps compound
mensonso chps compound
mesidan chps zone
metew chps
metro health clinic and screening centre
meyenda chps zone
mile 14 chps zone
mmerewa clinic
moffram chps
moglaa health centre
mognori health centre
mole health centre
moree health centre
morso chps compound
moseaso chps
moseaso chps
moseaso chps
moshie zongo clinic
mpaha health centre
mpasaaso dotiem chps zone
mpasaaso health center
mpataba chps compound
mpobi healtth centre
mpohor health centre
mpohor health centre
mpranease chps zone
mukyiia chps
municipal hospital goaso
muramura health centre
muronam health centre
musidema chps
muteensa chps
mwanduonu chps
naaga chps
naaha health centre
nabugubelle health center
nabulo health center
nadowli district hospital
nadowli health centre
naduli chps
nadundo chps
nagani chps compound
nahuyili chps
nakete chps compound
nakong chps
nakpale health centre
nakpanduri health centre
nakpayili chps
namasa chps compound
namasua chps compound
nambeg chps
namonsa chps
namoo health centre
nana benie memorial health centre
nana hima-dekyi (dixcove government ) hospital
nanabayin chps zone
nanabeng chps compound
nanako chps
nancy powells chps zone
nandom rch
nangodi health center
nankese chps zone
nansoni chps compound
nanton health centre
nanyaari chps compound
narkwa chps compound
naro chps
nasia chps compound
nasuan health centre
nator chps
natugnia chps
navio chps compound
navrongo health centre
nayagenia chps
nchiraa rural clinic
new abirem government hospital
new akrade chps zone
new amanful chps compound
new ayoma health centre
new dodi chps zone
new edubiase government hospital
new jejeti rch centre
new longoro health centre
new ningo chps zone
new papaase chps compound
new senchi chps zone
new tafo government hospital
new takoradi health centre
new town clinic
ngani health centre
ngyiresi chps
nima government clinic
nipankyeremia chps
nkanfoa chps zone
nkankama chps
nkaseim chps zone
nkawanda no. 2 chps zone
nkawie gov t hospital
nkawkaw rch
nkenkensu government hospital
nkonya ntsumuru health centre
nkonya wurupong health centre
nkoranza health centre
nkrankwanta health centre
nkroful health centre
nkum health centre
nkurakan health centre
nkwabeng health centre
nkwadum chps compoud
nkwaeso chps
nkwanta district hospital
nkwantanan chps compound
nkwantanang chps
nkwantanum chps compound
nkwatanum health centre
nkwateng health centre
nkwatia health center
nkyenenkyene health center
nkyenkyenman chps zone
nnadieso health centre
no. 4 anweaso chps
nogokpo chps
noguchi memorial clinic
nokwareasa chps
noyem chps center
nsaba health centre
nsadweso chps compound
nsakina chps
nsanfo chps compound
nsawam government hospital
nsawam health center
nsawkaw health centre
nsoatre health centre
nsougyaso chps zone
nsowakrom chps zone
nsuaem chps zone
nsuaem no.2 chps compound
nsuasua chps zone
nsunensa chps compound
nsuta community clinic
nsuta health centre
nsuta health centre
nsuta health centre
nsutapong rch
ntom chps compound
ntomeng chps center
ntonaboma chps zone
ntunkum chps zone
nuamakrom chps compound
nuba chps compound
numereso chps compound
numereso health centre
nweneso iii chps
nyafoman chps compound
nyagbo-gagbefe health center
nyakrom health centre
nyambong chps zone
nyame bekyere health centre
nyamebekyere chps zone
nyamegyeso chps zone
nyanfeku chps
nyankomase ahenkro health centre
nyankontre chps compound
nyankpala health centre
nyanyano community clinic
nyariga health centre
nyibenya chps zone
nyive health centre
nyoliini health centre
nyomoase chps compound
nyong chps
nzemetianu chps compound
obanda chps zone
obawale chps
obenemase chps compound
obenimase chps compound
obenyemi chps
obo health center
oboadaka chps zone
obogu health centre
obohen chps zone
obom health center
obomeng chps center
obomofodensua chps zone
obonsu chps compound
obonsu chps compound
oborpah health center
obosomase chps zone
obotwere community clinic
obregyima chps zone
obretema chps zone
obuasi government hospital
ochiso chps zone
oda nkwanta chps
oda old town chps zone
odoben health centre
oduman health centre
odumase chps zone
ofadaa chps compound
offinso health centre
offuman health centre
ofoase chps zone
ofoase health centre
oforikrom health centre
ofosu chps zone
ojobi health centre
okaikrom chps zone
okaikrom health center
okrakwadwo health centre
okumaning chps
okwampa chps zone
okyereko chps
okyinso chps zone
okyiriku chps compound
old akrade chps zone
old ayoma health center
old estate rch
old ningo health center
onomabo chps
onwe govt. hospital
onyemso chps compound
opec government clinic
opersika chps
oppong valley health center
opponso health centre
osedze health centre
oseikojokrom chps
osenase health centre
osiabura chps
osiem chps zone
osino health centre
osorase chps zone
osu govt maternity home
osudoku health center
osuwem chps zone
oterkpolu chps
oti river hospital
otoase chps zone
otuam health centre
otumi chps
otwereso chps compound
oworobong chps
owusu ansah chps
oyoko health center
paboase chps zone
paga health centre
pakro health center
pampamwie health centre
paninamisa chps
pankese chps center
parliament house gov. medical center
patakro chps zone
pease chps zone
pediatokope health centre
peki dzake health center
peki dzake health centre
pelungu clinic
pentecost health centre
pepease health center
perambo rural clinic
pewuako chps compound
pieng chps
pienyina chps compound
piesi chps
pigu health centre
piisi chps
pindaa chps
ping chps
pishigu health center
poase cement health center
podoe health center
pokrom nsaba health center
pokuase chps
pokukrom health center
pokukrom health center
police hospital
pong tamale health centre
ponponya chps
potroase chps zone
potsin chps zone
poyentanga health centre
pramkese health centre
prampram health center
prang health centre
praso health center
praso kuma chps
princess town health centre
pudua chps compound
puffien health center
pulima chps
pungu north chps
pungu south chps
pusiga health centre
putubiw chps zone
pwalugu health center
rch / dhd berekum
rch dunkwa
rch zongo
rch/fp clinic
regional hospital , wa
regional hospital koforidua
reprocare centre mampong
reproductive child health clinic
saakrom health center
saamang chps compound
saan-sanpina chps
sabiye health centre
saboba town health center
sabonjida clinic
sabronum health center
sakai chps zone
sakogu health centre
sakora wonoo health center
sakote chps
sakpe chps
salaga district hospital
salifu chps
salpiiga chps
saltpond municipal hospital
samambo chps
saman abotar park chps zone
samanhyia chps zone
sambu health center
samenye health center
samoa health centre
sampa government hospital
samsam community clinic
sandan health centre
sang health center
sanguli chps
sankana chps
sankore health centre
sankpala chps
santijan chps compound
santrokofi health center
sanyeri chps compound
sapelliga health centre
saru chps compound
sasieme chps zone
savelugu hospital
saviekpe agorkpo chps
saviour community clinic
sawla health centre
sedorm chps zone
sefwi ashiam chps compound
sefwi nsawora health center
sefwi wiawso district hospital
sefwi yamfo chps
sefwi-bekwai health centre
sege health centre
seikwa health centre
seketia health centre
sekyere krobo community clinic
sekyere krobo community clinic
sekyeredumase health centre
sekyereman community clinic
senchi ferry health centre
sene district hospital
sentu chps zone
senya beraku health centre
sepe buokrom clinic
sepe-dote health center
seripe chps counpond
sewum health centre
shama health centre
sherigu health centre
shia chps
shia health centre
sibi central chps zone
sibi hill top chps zone
sienchem rural clinic
sigri chps
sikaman chps compound
sikaman chps compound
singha chps
soe health centre
sogakope district hospital
sokabisi chps
sokoban wood village clinic
sokoban wood village clinic
soma chps compound
somanya chps
somanya polyclinic
sombo health centre
somboro chps
songo health centre
sonyo chps compound
sorbelle chps
south senchi health center
south senchi rch clinic
sowutuom chps zone
sra health center
sreso timpom health center
sti/ adolescent clinic
subiman chps zone
subin health centre
subinso health centre
subriso chps compound
subriso health center
suhum chps zone
suhum government hospital
sui chps zone
suiano health centre
suke chps zone
sumpre chps
sunburungu health centre
sunsong chps
suntreso hospital
sunyani municipal hospital
sunyani regional hospital
supomu dunkwa health center
supreso chps zone
swedru municipal hospital
tabiasi chps
tafi agome chps
tafi-agome health center
tafo government hospital
tain district hospital
takinta chps compound
takla chps zone
takoradi district hospital
takpo health centre
takrowase health center
takyiman chps
takyiman chps zone
talowona chps
tamale central hospital
tamale teaching hospital
tamale west hospital
tamalgu chps compound
tampaala chps
tampion health centre
tanchara chps
tandakrom chps zone
tanga chps compound
tanoanafo chps compound
tanokrom chps compound
tanoso health centre
tanoso health centre
tanyigbe health centre
tarikom chps
tarkwa municipal hospital
tatale health centre
tato battor chps compound
taviafe health centre
tawia kwaa chps zone
teacher mante chps zone
techiman health centre
techimantia health center
tegbi health centre
tekese chps compound
tema general hospital
tema polyclinic
temaa chps compound
tepa district hospital
teshie chps zones
teshie community clinic
tetrefu health centre
tetrem health center
tetteh quashie memorial hospital
tewubabi/abisase rural clinic
tiado chps compound
tiawia chps
tikobo no. 1 health center
tikobo no. 2 community clinic
tikrom government clinic
tilli health centre
timonde chps
tinga health centre
tinkong chps zone
tokokoe health centre
tokuroano health centre
tolon health centre
tombu chps
tongo health center
tongor tsanakpe health center
tontokrom health center
topremang chps
torgome health center
tortibo chps zone
trabuom health centre
trede health centre
tregui health centre
tsatee chps zone
tsibu chps
tsito health centre
tsiyinu chps zone
tublukorpe chps
tuggo health center
tumfa chps zone
tumu district hospital
tumu sub-district health centre
tuobodom health centre
tuopare chps
tutukpene health center
twabidi health centre
twabidi chps compound
tweapease chps
tweapease health centre
tweapease-la no. 2
twenen chps
twifo asensoho shed chps
twifo heman health centre
twifo mokwa health centre
twifo praso government hospital
twifo wamaso chps
twumguaso chps zone
twumkrom chpszone
uds clnic
uds hospital wa
university hospital
university hospital
university hospital legon
upper eastal hospital
urban east health centre
urban health center jirapa
urban health centre
ussher polyclinic
valco hospital
vane health centre
ve koloenu chps
ve-ghad health center
ve-golokwati health centre
viera chps
vittin rch clinic
volo health centre
vra hospital
vra hospital aboadze
vra hospital accra
vunania chps zones
wagliga chps
walewale hospital
wam adjembra chps compound
wamanafo community clinic
wamasi chps compound
wamasi chps compound
wamfie health centre
wansima memorial community clinic
wantugu health centre
war memorial hospital
wasa dunkwa chps compound
wasa dunkwa chps compound
wasa mampong chps compound
wasec health centre
wassa akropong government hospital
wassa juabo health centre
wassa saa health centre
watreso chps compound
wawase chps zone
waya health centre
wechiau health centre
wegbe kpalime health center
wellembelle health centre
wenchi health center
wenchi gov't maternity home
wenchi health centre
wenchiki health center
west gonja hospital
winkogo/awaradone chps
winneba health centre
winneba municipal hospital
wioso health center
wioso health center
wli central health center
wonjuga chps
woraso health centre
worawora hospital
woribogu chps
worikambo health centre
workpoe chps
wudzedeke chps
wule health center
wulensi health centre
wundua chps compound
wuratrem chps zone
wuru chps
yaalah health center
yabi chps compound
yagaba health center
yagha health centre
yama chps compound
yamfo health centre
yapei health centre
yarigu chps compound
yawkrom chps zone
yeboah chps compound
yefiri health centre
yelwoko anglican clinic
yendi hospital
yendi mch (health centre)
yinduri chps
yiwabra health centre
yizesi health centre
yoggu chps
yonso chps compound
yua chps
yunyoo health centre
zabrama rural clinic
zabzugu tatale district hospital
zambo health centre
zandua chps compound
zanlerigu chps
zantani chps compound
zawse/bansi chps
zebilla hospital
zevor chps zone
zezera health centre
ziavi chps
zini health centre
zinindo chps compound
ziope health centre
zoggu health centre
zongo health center
zongoire chps
zongoire health centre
zorko kadare chps
zuarungu health centre
zuarungu-moshie health centre
zuo chps compound
Alphabetical list
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