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Amazing medicinal benefits of "Nufutini" sausage fruit | 05th July, 2021

Kigelia Africana or commonly known as the sausage tree and Nufutini in the Akan language in Ghana is known to be useful in treating stomach problem, pneumonia, relives a toothache, increases production of milk in the lactating woman, treating sores, skin ulcer and many more.

Let us take a quick look at some medicinal benefits of "Nufutini" which is also called sausage fruit.
1. The medicinal uses of the sausage tree are rather sexual in nature. The fruit can be ground up and mixed with water to help young men improve their manhood. It is also rubbed on male genitals or on womens breasts to make them larger.
2. An infusion can be made from the ground bark and fruits to treat stomach problems in children, and an infusion of the roots and bark can be taken to treat pneumonia.
3. A decoction made from the bark can be gargled to relieve a toothache.
4. An infusion of the bark can be used to wash the head as a way of treating epilepsy.
5. Due to its strong antimicrobial properties, including antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral, extracts of leave and barks have become popular in cosmetics and lotions.
6. It can also be used for treating sores, skin ulcer and cancer.
7. The seeds of ripe fruits can also be roasted in warm ash and consumed and are reported to be energy-rich, with significant amounts of phosphorous, protein, and lipids. In turn, the seed oil is rich in oleic acid and essential fatty acids and has the potential to be an important nutritional resource.
8. The leaves of the K.Pinnata are consumed by lactating women in various parts of sub-Saharan Africa as they are thought to enhance the volume and quality of breast milk.
9. The dried leaves contain levels of essential amino acids can provide beneficial health benefits as well as other minerals and nutrients including calcium, magnesium, and iron.
10. It is reported that the Tonga women of the Zambezi Valley regularly apply cosmetic preparations of the fruits to their faces to maintain a blemish-free complexion.
There are however, side effects which one needs to take note.
Side Effects
1. It is not healthy to take the unripe fruit orally because it is poisonous at that state. Do not take the fruit in a raw state.
2. The fruit can sometimes cause blistering of the tongue and skin.
3. Pregnant women should be extremely cautious with the oral consumption of kigelia It has the ability to induce premature delivery.

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