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What is tonsillitis? | 11th November, 2022

Tonsillitis is an inflammatory disease. It occurs when your tonsils become infected by a virus or bacteria. Tonsils are the oval-shaped areas of pink tissue at the back of your throat. There are two tonsils, one on each side. They help fight infection by reacting to germs that enter through your nose and mouth. Infected tonsils become inflamed and swollen.
What are the symptoms of tonsillitis?
Swollen tonsils often are the first sign of tonsillitis. It may feel like your throat or neck glands are swollen. Other symptoms may include:
  • redness
  • sore throat
  • white or yellow spots or film on your tonsils
  • trouble swallowing
  • fever
  • chills
  • bad breath
  • ear pain
  • headache
  • hoarse voice or loss of voice (laryngitis)
  • trouble sleeping or sleep apnea (when breathing stops briefly during sleep).
Tonsillitis Symptoms in Children
In children, symptoms may also include:
  • Upset stomach
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach pain
  • Drooling
  • Not wanting to eat or swallow
These are some home remedies you can do
Salt water gargling
Gargling and rinsing with warm salt water can help sooth a sore throat and pain caused by tonsillitis. It can also reduce inflammation, and may even help to treat infections.
Stir about ½ teaspoon of salt in about 4 ounces of warm water. Stir until the salt is dissolved. Gargle and swish through the mouth for several seconds and then spit it out. You can rinse with regular water.
Licorice lozenges
Lozenges can help to soothe the throat, but they are not all created equal. Some lozenges will contain ingredients with natural anti-inflammatory properties, or ingredients that can soothe pain on their own. Lozenges containing licorice as an ingredient can have strong anti-inflammatory benefits, soothing both discomfort and swelling in the tonsils and throat.
Lozenges should not be given to young children due to the choking risk. Instead, throat sprays are often a much better choice for children of this age. If you are unsure, call their pediatrician.
Warm tea with raw honey
Warm beverages like tea can help to reduce discomfort that can occur as a result of tonsillitis. Raw honey, often added to tea, has strong antibacterial properties, and may help to treat the infections causing the tonsillitis.
Drink tea warm instead of hot, and stir in the honey until dissolved. Certain teas may strengthen the benefits of this home remedy. Ginger tea, for example, is a strong anti-inflammatory, as is fennel tea, which can help to reduce inflammation and discomfort.
Humidifiers can help to relieve the sore throat if the air is dry, or you are experiencing dry mouth as a result of the tonsillitis. Dry air can irritate the throat, and humidifiers can help sooth discomfort in the throat and tonsils by adding moisture back into the air. Cool-mist humidifiers are most beneficial, especially when viruses are the cause of the tonsillitis.
Keep your humidifier on as needed, especially when you sleep at night, until the tonsillitis subsides. If you do not have a humidifier and want fast relief, sitting in a room filled with steam from the shower can also provide humidity that can reduce symptoms.
When to see your doctor
Certain symptoms indicate that you may need to see your doctor for treatment. Certain types of bacterial infections that can affect the tonsils, like strep throat, require prescription antibiotics for treatmentTrusted Source.
You should make an appointment to see your doctor if you experience a combination of the following symptoms:
  • fever
  • persistent sore or scratchy throat that does not go away within 24 to 48 hours
  • painful swallowing, or difficulty swallowing
  • fatigue
  • fussiness in infants and young children
  • swollen lymph nodes
  • These symptoms may indicate a bacterial infection that requires antibiotics.

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